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The Multiverse ep 2

HISTORY OF MULTIVERSE CONCEPT  Firstly if you don't read the episode one of the multiverse then please go and read it. The concept of a multiverse has been a topic of scientific and philosophical discussion for centuries. It is a theory that suggests the existence of multiple universes or parallel realities, each with its own unique set of physical laws, particles, and dimensions. The idea of a multiverse has fascinated scientists and philosophers alike, but it is only in recent decades that we have begun to explore the possibility of its existence through empirical evidence and theoretical models. In this blog, we will explore the history of the multiverse concept and its evolution over time. The earliest known mention of the multiverse concept can be traced back to ancient Indian mythology. The Hindu religion describes the concept of the "many worlds" theory, where the universe is described as infinite and eternal, with an infinite number of worlds coexisting simultan

The Multiverse ep I

INTRODUCTION TO The MULTIVERSE   I am writing the series of blogs in my website about the multiverse if you are Interested in multiverse and the new theories of multiverse so stay connected because I will past daily one blog in it for you so let's get started Introduction to multiverse  The concept of the multiverse is a fascinating and mind-bending idea that has captured the imagination of scientists and science-fiction writers alike. It suggests that there may be multiple universes, each with its own unique set of physical laws, constants, and dimensions. In this interactive and interesting explanation of the multiverse, we will explore the concept in more detail, including its origins, evidence, and potential implications. Origins of the Multiverse Concept The idea of the multiverse has its roots in the early 20th century, when physicists began to explore the possibility of alternate universes as part of their studies of quantum mechanics. One of the key ideas in quantum mechani

The evidence of expansion of universe

Evidence Of Expansion Of Universe.    How the universe began  The current scientific understanding of the universe's creation is based on the Big Bang theory. According to this theory, the universe began as an infinitely hot and dense point, called a singularity, about 13.8 billion years ago. At this point, all matter, energy, space, and time existed in a state of extreme compression. Then, the universe began to expand rapidly, cooling down and allowing particles to form. This process is called inflation. As the universe expanded and cooled, protons, neutrons, and electrons formed and combined to form atoms. The universe continued to expand and cool, and over time, stars and galaxies formed. The Big Bang theory is supported by a wealth of evidence, including observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the observed abundance of light elements. However, there are still many unanswered questions about the universe's creation, such as what caused the Big Bang, and

General relativity

Introduction Towards the end of the nineteenth century, scientists believe that they were close to a complete description of the universe. They imagine dead space was filled by a continuous medium called the "ether".                                  Light ray and radio signals were waves in the ether, just as sound is pressure waves in air. All that was needed for a complete theory were careful measurements of elastic properties of the ether. Fixed ether theory                                       Light wear a wave in a elastic material called ether the speed of light a hire to someone on a spaceship (a) moving towards it and lower on a spaceship (b) travelling in the same direction as the light. As shown in figure below. Can time be the difference for two peoples. Time be the different for two peoples at the same for understanding this statement let's take an example,      One version of the twin paradox has been tested experimentally by flying two accurate clocks in op


  Our universe is full of many many mysterious things and unknown objects and bodies which we can't know. The same is true of galaxies in clusters, which leads scientists to believe that something we cannot see is at work. They think something is missing by us, from where our galaxies extra mass is came. DARK MATTER:-                                      One question is always irritate us that "Form which thing that our universe is made form?" And it is a nice questions about our universe.                     Many of you are thinking that " what are you talking, it is obvious that the universe is made form the matter". Yes this is right answer I can't refuse it but which matter, yes I am which matter ?                     There are two types of matter in our universe  1. Normal matter  2. Dark matter  Normal matter is that which is made us and many many thighs in the universe is made by normal matter but not all the things is made by normal matter.         

What Is a black hole?

INTRODUCTION:-                         A black hole is place in the universe which has very strong gravitational force. It is so strong that it can pull anything towards himself, no matter how big is the object Is? it can  also pull the light in himself, this is the reason it is black in colour and its name also give because of its colour.                                                              Today we send a hypothetical probe into the black hole.   probe:-  A  probe  is a spacecraft that travels through space to collect science information.  Probes  do not have astronauts.  Probes  send data back to Earth for scientists to study. Hypothetical Thinking:-                                               Before starting please note one thing it is just a hypothetical thinking only note a real, i gonna tell you brief about the black hole and all things which are useful to understand the black hole.                                                             We launch a probe, it take


  Now, a days we are very confused about that "our origin", our origin means the origin of universe. we are just hypothetically think about that , because if we have time machine than we go and saw very easily that how our universe is started and what is its "origin of the universe" so, we can only do the hypothetical thinking it is very sad news   but its true.                          we are just hypothetically thinked about that and do some tests, to find the answer of our question, but we havn't reached the aim.   Hubble's hypothesis In the late 1920s the American astronomer Edwin Hubble made a very interesting and important discovery. Hubble made observations that he interpreted as showing that distant stars and galaxies are receding from Earth in every direction. Moreover, the velocities of recession increase in proportion with distance, a discovery that has been confirmed by numerous and repeated measurements since Hubble's time. The implication o