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What Is a black hole?


                        A black hole is place in the universe which has very strong gravitational force. It is so strong that it can pull anything towards himself, no matter how big is the object Is? it can  also pull the light in himself, this is the reason it is black in colour and its name also give because of its colour.
                             Today we send a hypothetical probe into the black hole.

probe:- probe is a spacecraft that travels through space to collect science information. Probes do not have astronauts. Probes send data back to Earth for scientists to study.

Hypothetical Thinking:-
                                             Before starting please note one thing it is just a hypothetical thinking only note a real, i gonna tell you brief about the black hole and all things which are useful to understand the black hole. 
                                                           We launch a probe, it take about 24 hours to reach into outer space, if we assume that the probe travel with the speed of 3*10^9 m/s, about the speed of light. The probe will take about 2 years to reach our nearest massive black hole,The nearby Andromeda Galaxy, 2.5 million light-years away, contains a (1.1–2.3)×108 (110–230 million) M central black hole, significantly larger than the Milky Way's. The largest supermassive black hole in the Milky Way's vicinity appears to be that of Messier 87 (i.e. M87*), at a mass of (6.4±0.5)×109 (c. 6.4 billion) M at a distance of 53.5 million light-years. The supergiant elliptical galaxy NGC 4889, at a distance of 336 million light-years away in the Coma Berenices constellation, contains a black hole measured to be 2.1×1010 (21 billion)   

          Some galaxies, such as the galaxy 4C + 37.11 , appear to have two supermassive black holes at their centers, forming a binary system. If they collided, the event would create strong gravitational waves. Binary supermassive black holes are believed to be a common consequence of galacitc mergers. The binary pair in OJ 287, 3.5 billion light-years away, contains the most massive black hole in a pair, with a mass estimated at 18 billion M. In 2011, a super-massive black hole was discovered in the dwarf galaxy Henize 2-7, which has no bulge. The precise implications for this discovery on black hole formation are unknown, but may indicate that black holes formed before bulges.
                                                                                                                                    This space is looks like very silent from the earth but if we think that the most violent explosion are there in the outer space so who can the outer space is so silent and how our probe is reached the black home very easily. Now our probe is very near the black hole and suddenly our probe is collide to a asteroid belt and with the speed of light asteroids are collide with our probe and if it is a real project than it is impossible to cross that belt but, not we are just assume that, somehow our probe is survived and he went ahead in his journey.
                                                                                                                                                  This is only no the one problem which is came in probe's journey now like these types and very difficult than asteroid belt problem, such as Gama rays, X rays and many difflections to our probe which change the direction of our probe. 
                    Let's think that our probe has faced all kinds of troubles and it is now close to the black hole and suddenly there are black holes on our probe Gravitational force has started to take effect and now it is starting to pull towards the black hole, it may be that now our connection will be cut off from the probe but I was tell you that it is an hypothetical thinking so we can't think about the connection cut factor.
                           Our probe is pull towards the black hole very Fastly but it is possible that our probe is not going inside the black hole because in the starting of black hole a a higher radiated rays are emitted by the black hole but, we think that our probe is very very lucky and it is save form the radiation Now, not the all troubles are ended there is one most big problem is came that but, before knowing the problem you should know about the structure of  black hole.



                    There are two basic parts to a black hole: the singularity and the event horizon.

The event horizon is the "point of no return" around the black hole. It is not a physical surface, but a sphere surrounding the black hole that marks where the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light. Its radius is the Schwarzschild radius mentioned earlier.

One thing about the event horizon: once matter is inside it, that matter will fall to the center. With such strong gravity, the matter squishes to just a point – a tiny, tiny volume with a crazy-big density.

 That point is called the singularity. It is vanishingly small, so it has essentially an infinite density. It's likely that the laws of physics break down at the singularity. Scientists are actively engaged in research to better understand what happens at these singularities, as well as how to develop a full theory that better describes what happens at the center of a black hole.

In the above image the yellow, red and orange part is the event horizon.
                                                                               Now let's get back to our hypothetical thinking,
our probe is just near the event horizon and than event horizon pull the probe into it, one thing you should know about the event horizon that it is moving in circular direction due to this it is form centrifugal force in the outer surface of the black hole, and this force is more and more greater than the gravitational force. 
                                                          It is the possible that our probe is stick in the force of event horizon and always travel in the path of event horizon. Things which is eaten by the black hole, in those things many and most things was drop in the event horizon, black hole s like a small child who drop most things which he eat, like that a what he eats in this mostly he doesn't  eat.

  Now, the centrifugal force of event horizon and the gravitational force of super massive black hole are fighting with each other and the gravitational force win this and our probe is lucky and goes into the black hole then probably or cent percent it will break.
Even the space time is also bend in the near the black hole. 
                                                           If someone is near the black hole and if you are watching this person the it is like shown in this video below.

and you are look like that shown in the given video below.   

Our probe is just steached and then it is also possible that our probe is safe but it has 0.000000001% chances that our probe is safe. In the  journey of its to reach the center of the black hole it faces many many violent things and than our probe reaches at the center of the black hole.

              To understand my above lines you should understand that what is at the center of the black hole.  The singularity at the center of a black hole is the ultimate no man's land: a place where matter is compressed down to an infinitely tiny point, and all conceptions of time and space completely break down. And it doesn't really exist. Something has to replace the singularity, but we're not exactly sure what.

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