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General relativity


Towards the end of the nineteenth century, scientists believe that they were close to a complete description of the universe. They imagine dead space was filled by a continuous medium called the "ether".
                                 Light ray and radio signals were waves in the ether, just as sound is pressure waves in air. All that was needed for a complete theory were careful measurements of elastic properties of the ether.

Fixed ether theory

                                      Light wear a wave in a elastic material called ether the speed of light a hire to someone on a spaceship (a) moving towards it and lower on a spaceship (b) travelling in the same direction as the light. As shown in figure below.
Ship a moving towards it and lower on a spaceship spaceship be traveling in the same direction as the light

In the Michelson-morley interferometer, light from a source is splitting into two beam by half silvered mirror. The two beams of light travel at right angles to each other and are then combined into a single beam by hitting the half-silvered mirror again. A difference the speed of light travelling in the two direction could mean that the wave crests in one beam arrived at the same time as the wave through of the other and and then out.

Can time be the difference for two peoples.

Time be the different for two peoples at the same for understanding this statement let's take an example,
     One version of the twin paradox has been tested experimentally by flying two accurate clocks in opposite direction around the world when they met up again the clock that flew towards the east had recorded slightly less time. 
                 Aircrafts are moving around the earth let's say the first aircraft be 'A' second one the 'B', aircraft a is flying from east to west and aircraft bi is flying from west to east the clock in the aircraft towards the west records more time than its twin travelling in the opposite direction the time for passengers in the aircraft flying towards the east is less than that for those in the aircraft flying towards west.
                   This might suggested that if one wanted to live longer one should keep flying in the east so that the planes speed is added to the earth's rotation however that tiny fraction of a second one could gain would be more than cancelled by eating airline meals.

Twin paradox

In the theory of relativity each observer has his own measure of time, this can lead to the so-called twin paradox.
One pair of twin a leaves on (a) space journey during which he travels closer to the speed of light (c). Is brother (b) remains on earth. Because (a)'s motion time runs more slowly in the spacecraft as seen by the earthbound twin. so on his return the space traveler (A2) will find that his brother (b2) has aged more than himself. It seems against common sense, a number of experiment have a implied that in this scenario travelling twin would indeed be a younger.

Einstein's postulate that the law of nature should appear the same to all freely moving observers was the foundation of the theory of relativity, called because it implied that only relative motion was important.
Thought that theory of relativity fit well with the law of governed electricity and magnetism it was compatible with Newton's law of gravity this law said that if one charge the distribution of matter in one region of space the charge in the gravitational field would be felt instantaneously wherever else in the universe not only would the main one could send signals faster than light (something that was forbidden by relativity); in order to know that instantaneous meant, also require that existence of absolute or universal time which relative had abolished in favour of personal time.

Nculear reaction

Action is the one of the best discoveries and inventions of the Einstein some peoples are Einstein for the nuclear bomb blast of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
It is not right, it is like that the blaming the Newton for the discovery of gravity, he discovered the gravity and the plane crash crashes by the law of gravity and many aircraft are fall into the earth by the law of gravity so we should blame the Newton for the discovery of gravity Just like that we blaming the Einstein, It Not right.

Chain reaction

A neutron forms the original u-235 fission impacts another nucleus this causes it to fission in turn and a chain reaction of further collision begins it that reaction itself it is called "critical" and the mass of u-235 is said to be "critical mass"

Next part of this blog is came when the view of this blog is came near 35.

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