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what and how much we know about the universe

These are the questions which are stuck in our mind :-

 When we talk about the universe, the first question which is fall in our mind is that what actually the universe IS ? It is very difficult question, but we might know about this question. The simple answer of this question is “the universe is everything” it includes all the space, matter and energy that all we see through our eyes off course its me and you also. Universe is nothing but it is “the totality of all space and time; all that is has been and will be.” This statement is written by Zeilik, Michael; Gregory, Stephen A.(1998).Introductory Astronomy & Astrophysics (4th ed.). Saunders collage publishing. This sentence means that all the things which has the universe such has planets, stars, galaxies, and all the forms of matter both dark and normal matter, energy, “spacetime”. Are you thinking about why I am talking about space and time as “spacetime” because of According to modern physics, particularly the “theory of relativity”, space and time are intrinsically linked as “spacetime”, this is very interested topic but we talk about this in next chapter. We all know that our universe is started when the big bang is done. We know that the big bang is the biggest explosion is our universe and then the nova or stars collapsing phenomena. The big bang theory is the prevailing cosmological description of the development of the universe, I think that it is not the universe it is observable universe. The big bang model helps to knows the very complicated thing that we want to know that is the is the universe is expanding or not. It describes us how the universe expandes from its initial state of high density and temperature, and gives the comprehensive explanation for a broad range of observed phenomena, includes the abundance of light elements, the cosmic microwave background (CMB), radiation, and large-scale structure.


The star forming nebula W51 is one of the largest “ stars factories” in the milky way galaxy. “star factories” one can operate for millions of year. The cavernous red region on the right side of the W51 is the older, evident in the way it has already been carved out by winds from generations of massive stars (those at least 10 times the mass of our sun). The dust and gas in the region are swept around  even more when those stars die and explode as supernovas. On the nebula’s younger left side, many stars are just beginning to clear away the gas and dust.



                              We talk many thing about the what is universe, now we want to talk about how much we know about the universe. Actually, we do not know about the universe more than 10000 times as much as we know And this is the fact, that’s it. Do you know we are how much smaller no it is not the correct word to describes us tiny as a “sub-atomic particle”. Yes we are as a sub-atomic particle to our universe, do you want to know how, Okay I’ll tell you. We all, moons, earth, other planets, our solar system and etc. are the part of our universe, as are the other planets and their many dozens of moons. Along with asteroids and comets, the planets orbit the sun. In our milkyway galaxy there are hundreds of billions of stars like sun and mostly are very bigger that the sun. Most of them have their own planets, these planets are known as “EXOPLANETS”.

                                              Things which are present in universe.                                                                              In the observable universe there is one of billions of galaxies, and the milkyway is one of them. All of them, includes our own, are thought to have super massive black-holes in the center of them. One super massive black hole is in the centre of our galaxy we are very lucky that this black hole is now quiet, if it is not so today me and you are born and you can’t read my book and wrote this, but one funny thing is that we all fully know about the black hole but we can’t tell anyone. I’ll tell you many strange things and many facts about the black hole in other chapter, now we should disscus our topic. All the stars in all the galaxies and all the other stuff that astronomers can’t ever obseve are all part of the universe. It is, simply, everything. One strange thing about our universe is not like it is. From the earth space looks like a very silent place but actually it is a very violent place because, in our universe there are gamma ray burst, supernova, “kilonova”, neutron star, megnetar, pulsars and etc.

                           Again, a very intresting question is came to our mind that, We are very tiny but, Is me, you and us are alone in this universe? do you you think about these questions? I can definitely challenge you that, you occasionally thought about that question. If you ask this question to me few years ago than, I would answer that “are you out of your man, definitely we are alone”. What do you think at that time? It is just like a friction movie. But now my opinion is suddenly changed now I my answer is that “it might be possible we are not alone”. It is not possible we are alone it is strange, but that’s the truth that we are unable to find other intelligent life in our universe.

                                                                                                           But, why it is our universe, we definitely know that the space and time collapse in the big bang and form space time that is proved in the big bang theory in 2015, that’s why our universe is expanding, but another theory is that, it might be possible that there are some more big bangs are happen and form billions of universe, but what we say that space which contains these big bangs. I am sorry to go in the hypothetical thinking but everything is might be possible in the universe. after reading you all may be thought that “ are you out of your mind" but, it is possible. This hypothetical thinking is right or not, answer of this question either be given to the future or the universe. These thinking makes the astronomy more mysterious, complex and exiting. I can’t tell you how I am exited that some one came and said that “ hey I am came from ……. Galaxy and my name is ………”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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